Friday, 24 June 2011

Virgin Blog!

My first ever blog! I'm sat here with and Holly Rose and Nicola watching Glastonbury 2011 on BBC 3 wishing I was front and centre at the pyramid stage standing in the rain singing my little heart out! It'll have to be Electric picnic for me!

The gaa calendar does not allow for festival lovers when organising the fixture list!  I just love the atmosphere at a music festival, everyone in great spirits leaving all their worries behind for one weekend! Hate the return to reality the following Monday though!

Its a nice relaxing way to prepare for the game tomorrow! Tough test ahead but its time to see what we're made of! Fingers crossed that this weather clears up otherwise were set for a serious slog!

Sleep time, (well maybe we might just stick on a little movie to relax the nerves!)